Q: What programs are available to me?
A: RWS Inspector Services Group offers our regular warranty program, or the Broadview Program.
Regular Warranty Program
You can choose to be billed monthly or buy in packs
Warranties range in price from $10 to $16, depending on the option you choose
Warranties sold in packs NEVER expire
No sign up fees
Alarm Leads Program
Gives your clients another Value Added Service for using you as their Inspector
FREE RecallChek and Discounted 90-Day Warranties
Clients gets a discounted Alarm System
Email sent to the client 5 days before the call is made with will let them Opt-Out of the phone call all together before we call them
We work with the biggest and best alarm companies in North America
Please visit www.alarmleadsprogram.com for a short video
Q: What other warranties do you offer?
A: In addition to the 90 day buyers warranty we also offer a 120 day sellers warranty and in most states an extension to a full one year warranty. If your
client would like to extend to a full one year warranty, they will receive a $20 discount.
Q: How do I sign up to offer these warranties?
A: You can click SIGN UP and fill out the form depending on what program you are interested in. A customer service rep will contact you shortly to verify
information. Or you may call our office Mon-Fri 8am-5pm EST and speak with a rep directly.
Q: What are my payment options?
A: You have a few options available to you.
You can choose to be billed at the end of the month for the warranties you have used through the month.
You can buy up front in packs and each warranty would count against that pack. The packs do not expire.
Or you can take advantage of the Alarm Leads Program where you would receive a discounted 90 day warranty and a free RecallChek on all your home inspections.
Q: How do I report my warranties?
A: We provide you with an Inspection sheet. Each time you give a warranty please fill it in, on the sheet. Then simply email or fax the sheet to us. We ask that
you turn the sheets in at least weekly, but no later than the last business day of the month.
Q: How do I use these warranties for marketing purposes?
A: Setting yourself apart from your competition in todays market can be a challenge. Providing additional services to your clients at no additional cost
will definitely do that. You are providing your clients with 90 days worth of protection and that in itself is a strong marketing tool.
Q: How do I market the limited warranty?
A: RWS Inspector Services Group will provide you with our company logo to proudly display on your company website, business cards, or marketing material.
We also have marketing print outs that you may choose to provide your clients at the time of inspection or drop off at realtors offices.
Q: How does my client receive the warranty?
A: We provide you an electronic version of the warranty. You may either print it out and give it to your clients at the time of inspection, or attach
it to the inspection report if you email it. Either way is fine.
Q: How do I explain the warranty to my clients?
A: The warranty explains itself, there is no fine print or hidden exclusions. In fact, the first line of the warranty explains that the client should
call in to validate their warranty. If they do not, don't worry. The warranty is still valid, but we want to take a moment and explain the warranty to your clients.
We will make sure they know the expiration date of the warranty and answer any questions they have. We want to make this program as easy as possible for you.